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  • Nadhiir

Walk barefoot and be grounded.

As summer is finally approaching, it will be a perfect time to take off our sole rubber footwear and walk on the grass, mud, sand or rocks, and this is why!

Grounding or earthing is the practice of connecting yourself with the Earth's natural energy by walking barefoot on natural surfaces like grass, sand, or soil or by using grounding equipment like grounding mats or sheets. The idea is that by making direct contact with the Earth, we can absorb its negative charge, which can help to balance the positive charge that accumulates in our bodies from exposure to electromagnetic radiation and other environmental factors.

There are several potential benefits of grounding, although more research is needed to understand its effects fully. Some of these benefits may include:

Improved sleep: Grounding has been shown to improve sleep quality and reduce the time it takes to fall asleep.

1. Reduced inflammation: Grounding may help to reduce inflammation in the body, which can contribute to various health issues.

2. Increased energy levels: Grounding may help to boost energy levels and reduce fatigue.

3. Improved mood: Grounding may help to reduce stress and anxiety and improve overall mood.

4. Better immune function: Grounding may help to support the immune system and improve overall health.

Overall, while more research is needed, grounding is a simple and potentially beneficial practice that can be easily incorporated into daily life by spending time walking barefoot on natural surfaces or using grounding equipment.

For more information and advice on holistic health - contact 1st Care Osteopathy Canterbury, Chilham, Ashford.

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